How do I make sure I use copyrighted information correctly on my blog or in worksheets I create?

There are a few guidelines we would like to make you aware of as you post about The Good and the Beautiful. In compliance with copyright laws, our copyrighted materials, including our logo and website photos, cannot be used. Links to directly download products, such as PDFs you have purchased or received for free, cannot be posted. You may post your personal photos and personal videos of our curriculum. No supplements made using the material, lists, or other items within our curriculum can be provided to others for free, as a download, or for sale as this would be a violation of copyright laws. If you would like to guide your readers to our curriculum and products, please link directly to our website at

Customer Support

[email protected] Emails are answered Monday–Saturday throughout the day. Most emails are answered within 1 business day (Monday–Friday).

Contact Us

    Phone Number

    We do not offer phone support. However, we have a number at which you can leave a message if you are unable to email us: 801-641-5514

    Please do not email and leave a phone message about the same issue as this may delay response times.